Virtual Mail Servers
Virtual Mail Servers

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24x7 Backup, SPAM & Virus Protection

World Wide
Service & Support

Our Virtual Mail Servers provide your company and users with all the advanced features of an enterprise mail server. There are several configuration options available for each e-mail account (user). Your designated administrator can configure these options or allow each user to configure their account options through an intuitive web interface.

  • Use any mail client (Outlook, Eudora, Netscape, Mac, ...)
  • No advertisements, links or footers to products or services (hotmail, Yahoo etc.) in e-mail
  • Web interfaces (Yahoo! / Hotmail like)
  • Secure interfaces including encrypted https connections
  • Interfaces with unified message systems and applications
  • Junk mail filtering and content scanning
  • Powerful Virus protection. Notifications to sender & recipient
  • WAP interface for Phones and PDAs
  • Secure Instant Messaging with multi-user chat and off-line delayed delivery
  • Can provide users mail via multiple interfaces simultaneously (Outlook, Web and Wap!)
  • Multiple account and domain aliases (DSheedy, HR, Personnel)
  • Automatically retrieve messages from other mail accounts
  • Forwarding to Multiple remote email address
  • Save outgoing/incoming message copies
  • Auto replies (Holiday / vacation messages)
  • Delete/forward mail if older than x days
  • Remote self-configuration
  • Signatures
  • Multiple personalities
  • Web client has Address book, Groups and lists
  • Web client can import address lists directly from your PC
  • Notification to cell phone
  • Forwarding to another email address
  • And many more features ....

© 2024
Virtual Mail Servers & Enterprise Mail Servers are wholly owned subsidiaries of TactiCom, Inc.
Services offered through our partners and resellers and directly by TactiCom in markets where no reseller exists.
Copyright 1999-2024 TactiCom, Inc. All rights reserved.