Virtual Mail Servers
Virtual Mail Servers

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24x7 Backup, SPAM & Virus Protection

World Wide
Service & Support

High performance, secure, feature rich systems for a fraction of the cost
& none of the maintenance requirements of traditional mail servers.

With the advent of DSL and low cost leased Internet access lines, it is now possible to have a high-end enterprise mail server, on the Internet, to service all your internal and external Internet mail needs. Every person associated with your company can have an e-mail address using the company domain.

Enterprise Mail Server Features:
  • More features than in-house servers or ISP based mail boxes
  • Powerful security, anti spam, content filtering and instant anti-virus
  • New: Secure, encrypted Mail & Instant Messaging (HIPAA)
  • Supports all mail clients: Web, Outlook, Microsoft, MAC, etc.
  • Private, secure Instant Messaging service, Lists & groups
  • Users can be in different locations worldwide
  • 24x7 monitoring, backup, security and redundancy
  • Backup systems on both USA east and west coasts
  • Higher peering, bandwidth and network redundancy

Easy To Use & Maintain:
  • Intuitive web administration interfaces
  • You have full control over your server and accounts
  • We maintain systems, software, conductivity and security
  • Systems always current with anti virus, spam filters, security, OS patches, etc.
  • No training or on-site installation required

No Capital Expenditure:
  • NO server hardware & software
  • NO continual updates, service calls and patches!
  • Only requirements are a domain name and internet access

© 2024
Virtual Mail Servers & Enterprise Mail Servers are wholly owned subsidiaries of TactiCom, Inc.
Services offered through our partners and resellers and directly by TactiCom in markets where no reseller exists.
Copyright 1999-2024 TactiCom, Inc. All rights reserved.