Virtual Mail Servers
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Moving IMAP folders to Desktop - Outlook®

To have folders in Webmail show Outlook, perform the following steps:

  1. In Outlook, right click on your new secure account name
  2. Select IMAP Folders... from the menu that appears
  3. Click the Query button
  4. Click the fist folder and holding the shift key click on the last folder. All folders should be highlighted in blue.
  5. Click the Subscribe button
  6. Click the OK button
  7. Check your email (Tools -> Send/Receive) and all your folders and email will be transferred from the VMS IMAP email server to Outlook

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Virtual Mail Servers & Enterprise Mail Servers are wholly owned subsidiaries of TactiCom, Inc.
Services offered through our partners and resellers and directly by TactiCom in markets where no reseller exists.
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