Virtual Mail Servers
Virtual Mail Servers

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24x7 Backup, SPAM & Virus Protection

World Wide
Service & Support

SPAM, virus & content filtered e-mail feed to your internal mail servers $200!
$4 a mail box for 200 accounts with anti-virus, anti-spam, on-line backup....!

All systems are secure, monitored 24/7, have redundant drives, internet connections and backup. TactiCom provides both phone and e-mail support to your designated e-mail server administrator.

Your administrator has full control of your domains, including the creation an maintenance of all user accounts and domain settings, through an intuitive web based interface.

All accounts include powerful anti-virus scanning, spam blocking, relay protection and system security. Options include secure communications (HIPAA, encryption), centralized directory services and backup servers.

TactiCom offers consulting at competitive rates for custom mail solutions, application development, system integration and project management.

Call for Volume, ISP, Dealer & Re-Seller Discounts

Services For Your Internal Server(s)
Per Month - Other options available
Mail Feed to your internal server with 100MB backup
All Mail Server Feeds include Real-Time Anti-virus, SPAM, relay, content blocking services & on-line Admin
SBS Mail Feed to your internal server with backup Protection
Small business package for up to 50 accounts
Additional storage on Mail Servers per 100MB
Secure (Backup or STD) Mail Servers (SSL & TSL)
Domain Alias with same services as primary
Virtual Mail Server Account Pricing
SBS-15 Virtual Mail Server with on-line accessible (restores) backup protection, Web e-mail, 25GB mail boxes, & admin, SPAM & AV protection, multi domain support & unlimited alalises. Small business package for up to 15 accounts
SBS-30 Virtual Mail Server with on-line accessible (restores) backup protection, Web e-mail, 25GB mail boxes, & admin, SPAM & AV protection, multi domain support & unlimited alalises. Small business package for up to 30 accounts

© 2024
Virtual Mail Servers & Enterprise Mail Servers are wholly owned subsidiaries of TactiCom, Inc.
Services offered through our partners and resellers and directly by TactiCom in markets where no reseller exists.
Copyright 1999-2024 TactiCom, Inc. All rights reserved.